7 Ways People Fear Strong Personalities

‘There’s Fear in the Air’ Series

If You Have a Strong Personality

Ask yourself these questions. Being aware of how you seem to others, taking corrections in those areas, will help others not to feel intimidated.

saying that we need others
  • Are you an overcomer? Most people may not look at themselves as someone who is strong enough to get through trials. They need you to be strong for them, but they also need you to believe that they are strong.
  • Do you take risks? Make sure you take a risk for their sakes. People love someone willing to take risks, and they do not want to feel left out.
  • Are you someone’s hero? Let that person know that you have a hero also. Do not put yourself down, everyone needs a hero.
  • Do you love life inexcusably? Many people are negative thinkers. They really do not understand why someone can be so positive. They believe the actions may be fake and need to know that it is for real and that you have negative feelings, but that you choose positive ones. Deal gently with others who do not understand that concept.
  • Do you strive to do everything the best you can? Do not let someone who cannot keep up with you or someone who is jealous take that away from you. Make sure you notice what they do that is perhaps better than what you do.
  • Do you take a stand? No one likes to be told off, so put that away. But everyone admires someone who speaks their mind. Learn to use discretion with wisdom as well as sensitivity. Those may not be your strong points, but those qualities are worth having.
  • Do you always tell the truth? Learn timing. There are times when the truth can hurt too much when told at the wrong time. It may destroy the ability for others to trust you.
  • Are you prone to delusions or paranoia? Even if you are not, at times it may seem so to other people. Be careful and choose your words well. Make a decision to have the facts that back up what you say that it is not something you are guessing at. Let others know if you are guessing.
  • Do you reason everything out? The path of decision making constantly changes. Enjoy that you can figure things out easily but be aware that the decision you make may not be the best.
  • Do you have a handicap? Many times, people are uncomfortable because they do not know what to say or how you will react to what they say. Be genuine and be patient. Be yourself. They will appreciate that.

Ways You Can Tell That Others Do Not feel Comfortable Around You

  1. People avoid you or do not look at you
  2. They make awkward jokes
  3. They laugh nervously a lot
  4. They try to put you down and make you feel you are beneath them.
  5. They make excuses not to be around you
  6. They act embarrassed when you are outspoken
  7. They try to please you

When people act this way around you, it could be very easy to judge them. Do not. Do not judge. Be open, laugh at yourself and the situations you get yourself in. Know that people act this way because they see something valuable in you. They want to know you. Look inside you and see if you are trying to keep people from knowing you. Hey, we are all human. Let’s celebrate this!

Why I Wrote This Post

My mom was a strong woman. I guess that was me too. I never knew how to help my mom, or even if she wanted my help.

My kids think that I can handle anything. I guess I thought I could. But when someone believes that you can handle anything, when you need their help, they do not know how to give it. I boxed myself into a perfection mold. Moms do have to be strong. But my message to others is – let them know that you need them, that you do not feel you have all the answers. I think I did something right, though. My kids love me, and I know that. That is the greatest gift I could have.

*Note: This series ‘There’s Fear in the Air’ was written before the COVID19 Crisis, and its messages helped me with this current crisis. I hope they will help you.

About Deb

Mother of 3, grandmother of 2. Employed as an RN. Keeping in touch with her children is most important. She loves sharing stories of being an overcomer and echos her Father's belief as a Marine, 'Failure Is Not An Option'. Her experiences in life are shared on her blog.

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