Valentine’s Day and Family Values
Whether Valentine’s Day was named after a martyr named Saint Valentine, or it was a Roman celebration in the 1700’s or a combination, it really does not matter. There are not many people who completely understand the role Valentine’s Day played in history and in this case, I believe history does not play a huge role in the celebration of this holiday.
I am a history buff, so, history of this holiday should matter to me. The meaning of this day and the way it plays out in its role to bring harmony and unity to relationships, is fascinating to me. It parallels Christmas.
Winter is not over when this holiday arrives. Gifts during the Valentine season are given out of friendship and love. Romance and friendship bloom. There is a great sense of value that is given away warmly and without hesitation.
According to one source on Valentine’s Day purchases, *1 the top product sold is jewelry. Next, people enjoy dining out, and the third item that people spend on are flowers, especially red roses, then clothing, and lastly candy. So where do Valentine Cards fit? *2 They come in last on the list at 145 million, which I think is a good number. Many cards are hand-made greeting cards that have taken thought to make and give. I cannot ignore all the emails and social media that are sent out to celebrate this special holiday. It is mind boggling how much money is spent for this day.
What Is the Purpose of Valentine’s Day?
I mentioned that Valentine’s Day may parallel Christmas in terms of giving, caring, and in being compassionate. I realize there are times when things do not go as planned, and that this could be the worst day for someone. As a child, for instance, I always knew that I would not get too many valentine cards. That hurt, but it did not make me feel I was not loved. As I matured, I knew I was loved and that meant all the world to me. So here are some of the ways that Valentine’s Day benefits and uplifts socially.
When Valentines are Exchanged, this is What Happens:
1 – It documents that someone is special and belongs, is valued and is loved.
2 – It unifies 2 or more people, and positive thoughts become a priceless memory.
3 – New visions are created, visions of oneness, togetherness and bonding and perhaps new goals.
4 – It provides a presence, which is important in relationships. It is hard to have a Valentine’s Day when someone is absent.
5 – It brings out mature behavior, focuses on positive things, and can actually cause forgetfulness of an ugly past.
6 – Fear can be relieved. The positive thoughts of belonging and being loved brings boldness and power and courage to relationships.
7 – The focus of this day is intent on meeting basic needs for love. Receiving gifts, renewing, restoring and revealing friendship offers a sense of belonging.
8 – There is a visible form or symbol of value with the giving of gifts, that produces trust and documents the love that is present at that moment in time.
9 – Many unified purposes and goals are revealed and clarified on this day. Not only pledging love, but goals, friendships, and thoughts that lead to a visible harmony and unity.
10 – When we realize we are incomplete without the one we love, or have friendship with, that can overcome divisiveness, arguing, fighting, and proves equality and can provide security.
11- Empathy and compassion are at an all-time high. Unity, peace, the need to work hard together for one goal, provides a lot of security and hope in the future.

Summarizing the Values in Saint Valentine’s Day
Change in relationships occur when we see value in each other, are compassionate, and work hard for unity and purpose.
Yes, there is much good in the Valentine’s Day celebration.
How has this single day (that covers at least 6 days of the month of February on the average) changed your life?

I expected and took for granted I was loved and did not think I had to work on my relationship with my family. But I was wrong. I was selfish and I did not show the compassion and relationship appreciation that I had been feeling. So, please, work hard at establishing secure friendships and relationships, marriages, families. It affects your future. Let your relationships stand on a foundation based on the truth of reality, the truth of maturity, and the truth of who you really are. Do not substitute truth for what you think is happening, for what you think is truth. Doing these things will prevent many feelings of guilt later on in your life.
Sign everything in your life: Love, your Valentine.
*1 –
*1 – › items-to-sell-on-valentines
*2 – Hallmark quotes.’s%20Day,holiday%20for%20giving%20greetings%20cards
We have never really done much for Valentine’s Day. We have had the privilege to be together 24/7 for the majority of our relationship and have never felt the need to make one day special. This is actually the first year since we have been together that we even went out for dinner, and that was coincidental.
I appreciate you sharing that. It’s great that you enjoy your relationship together. I like that. Thank you for sharing.
We keep Valentine’s Day simple in our household. Dinner and simple gifts. I like that you mention that Valentine’s Day can be hard for many people. A good thing to remember.
I agree, Kristen, it is best to keep it simple. It is nice to bring positive influences to each other
There are definitely some interesting stories tied to where Valentine’s Day came from! But I agree, today it’s all about love and caring!
Thank you for your response Megan, it would be nice to hear Valentine stories!
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