Labor Day Quotes and Reflections
I wonder how many people will really consider the meaning behind this Labor Day holiday. Will we stop and think about the sacrifice that many people, working men and women made for us so that we could rest and have just a lot of fun? I personally think that these historical people would not want us to remember their hardships, but only that you are able to rest and take a holiday without regrets, without having a hardship by losing work pay.
Even Aristotle knew we needed pleasure, in relaxing and in our work. And What is Labor Day? That is a day where you can forget work long enough to be able to recoup and go back at the things you love with a renewed energy and outlook, refreshed. Think hard about where to want to relax at. Maybe try to relax at home. What about being with co-workers, friends and /or family? There is a whole weekend that you can fill. The things that relax me include boating. I could live on a canoe all season. There is nothing more relaxing than hearing ocean waves and listening to the breaking waves, smelling the salty air. But freshwater canoeing is a close runner up. …Or walking on logs? … Playing in leaves?
Work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work, is to love what you do.
Steve Job
What great work is it you are doing? What is the kind of rest you need to be able to go back to what you love? If your love is family – what are you doing to be able to do the great work of building your family? When is Labor Day going to mean enough to you that you will include the benefit of being restored with a day off – to make you better at what you do? Enjoy all the moments you can experience in this weekend holiday!
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation and hard work and learning from failure.
Colin Powell
Not afraid to fail. That is what the labor movement was about. They had much to lose but they chose to focus on what they could gain. Get behind failure, push it into perspective. What my granddaughter and others have learned, they put into practice. If you don’t try, you will never succeed. For farmers it is said that a clean barn means that you have no income.
There is no substitute for hard work.
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison is one of my favorite people in history. I love work, I believe good character comes from good work ethics. I will often focus on a project and neglect enjoying the moment. So there needs to be time for both!
Have a really GREAT and refreshing Labor Day Holiday!