‘There’s Fear in the Air’ Series
I met her years ago. She was always sleeping. Her child was running around with mine and he was essentially raising himself. She would ask me, why am I so tired? I cannot seem to remember anything anymore; I catch every cold that comes my way. I just know I am very, very sick. I cannot help being so tired.
She is totally right. There is no way she can help herself. Since I met her, I have seen so many like her through the years. Still, they would have no clue as to what is wrong. I would listen, and I learned intuitively how someone can help themselves out of a health problem. I admire people who see the need to find answers to their health problems. They helped me find answers to my health problems as much as I may have been able to help them.
Long Term Stress Results
Long term stress will deplete the natural body’s defenses. This stress comes from a variety of sources, but the end result is, being tired. The normal life of a woman or man will lend itself to being tired. When there are additional causes of being tired other than normal living weariness, then illness and disease start their process. Although I have seen this tired syndrome more in women than men, I have seen some men succumb to this malady.
Stress keeps the body in a state of fight and flight. If the body defense system is in high gear all the time it begins to wear out. Good nourishment is necessary to keep body systems functioning well. When your systems are worn out, your cellular nourishment gets depleted.
There are many things that cause stress. We could go through traumatic incidents that we cannot recover from. We can continually feel overwhelmed in our current life situations. When an allergic response or a lack of tolerance to certain foods develops, a stress reaction can occur. When those situations occur for a long time, we get sick, tired. It takes a detailed search to find the answers sometimes, but there are issues that we can start with. Ask yourself these questions:
- What is your diet like? Are you always eating the same foods?
- Do you crave junk food, or fast food?
- Do you eat only sugary, starchy foods?
- When did your symptoms start?
- Does a particular food bother you after you eat it, either right away or maybe a day later?
- Have you spoke with a nutritionist or health professional?
- Do you have Diabetes or another chronic disease?
- Are you exercising?
- Do you have young children?
- What stage of life are you in – for a women?
- Are you living in fear?
- Do you have control over your thoughts?
- How do you sleep at night?
If we do not start a detailed inventory of what it is, we feel and why we feel it then many times we will go on searching the rest of our lives. The success will be temporary at best, or none at all for the worse. Start with a good physical exam by a professional, medical or naturopathic. Get all the information you can gather including lab results and x-rays.
Most of all, if you are not motivated to find an answer, find out why you are not able to get motivated. Usually, the reason is connected to fear. It could be overwhelming for you to even want to know what is wrong with you. That is just fine, give yourself some grace and take one step at a time. Find the reason, it may be hidden within you, to live. Your symptoms are a wake-up call, that you can do something now in the early stages of disease. If you are already in the later stages of disease, there is still hope that you can find comfort.
Sleep deprivation is an obvious symptom to start with. Find out why you are not sleeping, many causes have to do with what you think about, so start there. With the internet available, it is not difficult to search, but find good sources of information. If you want research information, look on .org or .gov sites for that information.
The causes of poor health can include nutritional, medications, lack of sleep, hygiene, lack of control of thoughts, emotions out of control. There are many long-term effects of poor health:
- Impaired long term or short-term memories
- Brain damage
- Weakened immune system
- Cardiovascular damage
- Gastroenteric disorders
- Anxiety issues
Solutions and Therapies to Explore
- Medical exam and recommended solutions
- Correct nutritional deficits
- Improve sleep habits
- Start treatment for any chronic illness
- Work – get into a job, employment, or business that you love and feel satisfied in
- Keep researching health goals for yourself.
- Helping others gives your life meaning
Habits to Start:

- Make your life a life of gratitude and thankfulness.
- Write – start a journal, writing is healing and gives you insight into yourself.
- Tell your story of success.
- Talk out your physical and emotional issues with a very trusted, objective friend who will let you make good decisions on your own.
- Continue to make positive steps in your health, get courage and do not give up.
- Find a life coach or a coach to support you in your health growth decisions.
- Breathe, learn how to breathe right for health, for relaxation.
- Meditate to turn negative thoughts to positive thoughts and actions.
- Listen to yourself, to others, do not reject what is uncomfortable to you. Pick out good and right advice. Reject poor advice or advice without any solid foundation.
Beneficial Therapies:
- EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique. It is an excellent technique that is easy to learn and uses tapping on acupressure points. Great for pain relief and emotional relief. I learned the technique from eft.mercola.com
- EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – This psychotherapy helps you process trauma events in your past that you were not able to process at the time. It is done by a certified person who monitors your progress. It effectively releases emotions tied to events. Several therapists are competent in this therapy, our veterans are offered this effective therapy.
- MNRI – Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration benefits neurologically based health issues. * It is used by an occupational therapist in treating patients holistically. My autistic son is beginning this therapy with hopes to release PTSD symptoms and work on life skills. *https://masgutovamethod.com
- CST – CranioSacral Therapy is performed by a certified therapist and used to permit a free flow of the spinal fluid in the spinal column. The cerebral bones are released to cause an unblocked flow which promotes neurological healing. My family has used this safe therapy with good results. Contact Foundations Holistic Therapy for more information on this therapy. They also use the MFR and MNRI therapies effectively but are local.
- MFR – Myofascial Release is used in therapy by a certified therapist to treat skeletal muscle mobility problems. It relaxes the muscles and relieves pain. It was effective for my family. Clinicians who use the John Barnes Method are recommended. https://myofascialrelease.com/
- Biofeedback or Neurofeedback Therapy is a very exciting and fun therapy as well as being very scientific and effective. It was very helpful in putting my autistic son back on track. We used a local therapist.
- Kinesiology is a fascinating muscle testing tool that many chiropractors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other fitness related therapists use. It involves the study of the movement of energy in your body. Using scientific principles to detect the movement of energy in muscles they use this information to work out a healing plan.
*Note: This ‘There’s Fear in the Air’ Series was started September 3, 2019. It has helped prepare me for the current worldwide crisis we are in now.