12 Fundamental Facts
Vitamin C Must Be Added to Our Diet
I recently read several articles* on vitamin C and our body’s ability to produce it independently, without taking Vitamin C supplements. They all stated vitamin C needs to have a specific enzyme for our cells produce the vital nutrients in any vitamin. That enzyme is called gulonolactone oxidase. Because we are not able to produce vitamin C on our own, it needs to be supplemented in the food we eat.
Vitamin C Deficiencies are Well Documented

Historically, scurvy is well documented that it is a deficiency of vitamin C. The fact is, if we do not have get vitamins, including Vitamin C, supplemented into our diet, we are subject to certain many kinds of diseases. There are many other conditions that are linked to a lack of vitamin C. For instance, vitamin C is vital to the formation of Collagen. Collagen is the cement that holds our skeletal structure together by keeping tissues and cells healthy and firm. So, we end up with what we call collagen diseases such as aging, poor wound healing, muscle inflammation, arthritis, gout, low back pain, gums that recede, colitis, and inflammation of the vascular structures. *
Awesome Healing Abilities
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that it is not stored well in the body. It is dissolved in water easily. It heals colds, infections, heals wounds and is an awesome antioxidant.
Many plants and animals can make vitamin C because this enzyme is present in them. They can use the enzyme to produce the vital nutrient vitamin C for their own life processes. If they did not have this enzyme, all the plants would die of disease, we would have sick animals. Vitamin C is essential to all life processes. Plants and animals cannot eat Vitamin C as humans can.

Rose Hips are one of the best if not the very best source of vitamin C. The vital nutrients for healthy living in this supplement are astounding. The amount of Vitamin C in 1 rosehip is the equivalent to eating 2 or 3 oranges.
So, if you are one of the many highly food-conscious people who watch the quality of your food intake and avoid addictive foods and habits that deplete vitamins, you have nothing to worry about. I try is to keep myself as healthy as can. This is a learning curve, so learn away.
I will state though, that it is not your fault about what you eat. Most of us eat what we want because it tastes good and let’s face it – it’s fun to eat. But you and you alone are responsible for what you eat. Hopefully you will find some information here to help you make an informative decision.
To Summarize
- Vitamin C is not produced by our bodies because we lack the enzyme gulonolactone oxidase
- Vitamin C has to be supplemented in our diet
- There are various sources with vitamin C content
- Not all supplements have absorbable vitamin C ingredients
- Check all labels carefully and avoid contaminants and chemically processed ingredients
- Take in only natural ingredients that are easily digested
- Take a healthy daily dose of Rose Hips
- Rose Hips are a primary source of Vitamin C
- Our foods have inadequate quality nutrients due to contaminants, poor growing conditions
- The rose fruit contains Vitamin A, B, C, D, and E.
- Provides minerals including Calcium, Iron, Selenium, Manganese.
- The rosehip fruit is an essential supplement for Linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid.

Rose Hips are full of completely absorbable nutrients because they are a whole food. I am promoting whole foods for that reason. The nutrients are made to work together and need each other in order to do the job of sustaining health.
The Rose Hips are full natural Calcium, Iron, Selenium, Manganese, Vitamin A, B, C, D, and E. It is high on the list for being an antioxidant. Linoleic acid (a polyunsaturated Fatty acid) is one of the necessary ingredients in Rose Hips for keeping your systems functioning well. *
*Sources: A. Science Direct.com (Encyclopedia of Food sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003 – https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/gulonolactone-oxidase B. Article “Vitamin C in Human Health and Disease is Still a Mystery: on Vitamin C Foundation.org C. “The Human GULO-Pseudogene-Evidence for Evolutionary discontinuity and Genetic Entropy by Jeffrey P. Tomkins on April 2, 2014, as viewed on Answers in Genesis. https://answersingenesis.org/genetics/human-gulo-pseudogene-evidence-evolutionary-discontinuity-and-genetic-entropy/. Sources: * The Complete Book of Vitamins 1977 by the staff of Prevention Magazine. Charles Gerras, compiler. Rodale Press. pp 312-313. The Nutrition Source- Vitamin C. Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamin-c/
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