‘There’s Fear in the Air’ Series
“Change your thoughts, and you change your world.”
Norman Vincent Peale
Thoughts trigger emotions which then promote good or poor health. Your thoughts mark the development of a way of thinking – or attitude – that stay with you the rest of your life. People look at your though processes through your attitude or behavior and decide what kind of person you are from how you act.
Develop a Plan That will Help Others See You in a Positive Light.
Take a survey on yourself to find the interesting ways others see you. Ask yourself these questions and think up more questions until you arrive at a good representation of yourself. That way you decide what kind of person you are, instead of letting other people dictate what they think you are. People often look at the first impression you give them. I personally get frustrated with that when I hear remarks about people, including myself, that are way off target. It is not fair, and it is judging.
Ask These Questions to Find Out What Impression You Give to People Around You:

- How do I talk to myself? Or do I talk to myself at all? We all do whether it is out loud (like I do) or in the quietness of your mind.
- What negative thoughts do I think about? Do you have a balance with positive? Do you tell yourself that you are just being realistic? Are realism only negative thoughts? This world and universe if left alone will tend toward disorganization. Have you ever known a child who always leaves things better than when they found them? No. The way a child discovers is to create chaos. Adults who do not have an organized life or mind will have their surroundings in a state of chaos. Organization is learned. A depressed person will not care about their surroundings and leave things a mess. In autumn, leaves fall from the trees and do not care where they land.
- How hard is it for me to see something good in a situation? Most of the time the answer is hidden under a pile of leaves, so to speak. Things that are in the way have to be removed first. If you determine to look at things positively then it will be easier to weed out the barriers, you face.
- Choose to be objective, negative, positive or realistic. Objectivity looks at a situation and determines the negative and positive aspects of it. Realism comes from the idea of what is real, or what is truth. It can be changed by how thoughts are processed. Choose your thoughts based on truth, there will be a firm foundation that will not cave in later under stress.
How You Carry Yourself is a Result of Thoughts and Can an Influence Your Success in Life.
Situations are approached many different ways. Your demeanor, or way of carrying yourself controls your thoughts. I watch people and I can tell older people who are full of life from those people who gave up on life. Their attitude about life shows in their face, the things they do and their attitude. Younger adults, children, infants effectively show their personalities through their behavior.
An attitude develops by repeating habits over and over. * In the same way, a person develops a different attitude by changing the way they think. have you ever noticed a person will have a life-changing event and suddenly their attitude changes? A man who knows that he deserves to be punished for abusive behavior and finds himself suddenly restored shows gratefulness and thankfulness and his whole attitude and personality changes. He changed his view of life and developed a different perspective.
Look for Change – Watch It Happen
That change in attitude and life outlook occurred dramatically in my father after a traumatic event in his life. His abusive behavior was forgiven, and he felt exonerated after accepting all responsibility for his actions.
It happens in me when I suddenly see a situation from an opposite view. It can happen to anyone, only it may not. If an attitude develops slowly, a more focused and purposeful event helps clear the attitude. The change of thoughts and perspectives either come slowly over time or a thought process may be ushered in unannounced in a traumatic or dramatic a life change. What one person views as a false reality perspective suddenly changes into a true reality because new facts and new realities push out the old thoughts.
*I read a good article about the study of habits and changing negative to positives, why we have habits and what we can do about them. Very interesting, you may want to read it here: How to Form Good Habits (and Break Bad Ones) – Wharton Magazine (upenn.edu)
A thought pattern reinforces itself when life changes and it changes into an attitude. These attitudes affect relationships. It determines how others see you, how you see others. An attitude based on true reality is life changing. It can take some hard work. Any true reality needs to be based on solid truth, not just what a person wants to believe in any one given time in their life.
How to Change Your Thoughts and Attitude to Change Your World.
Here are some ways to help change thoughts. Changing thoughts that are ingrained may take a few changes in lifestyle. But persistence and repetition always win out.
Supplements To Consider
- There are teas that help balance the serotonin and dopamine. They help balance your immune system and help fight disease.
- Teas and supplements can help you maintain a good mental health balance and keep out of the ‘fight or flight’ mode that happens when your adrenaline levels are high.
- Negativity changes brain chemistry and the stress reaction causes health problems.
Attitudes to Focus On
- To maintain health and fitness, develop a positive attitude.
- Practice gratitude. Talk it out effectively, you can read my post on talking for stress relief here.
- Identify the areas you want to change, or that are defeating you.
- Find a safe mode to express how you feel as you are watching yourself change.
- PRACTICE. You will go through many tests. Remember, tests are opportunities for learning, they are not a clear view of who you really are.
Use this practical way to relieve stress by breathing right. Who would have thought breathing, which is something so automatic could be so beneficial and could be done so wrong? Read about breathing and its positive effects here.
*Note: I started this series in September 2019, before the world fell apart. I realized I was being prepared beforehand for a great change.
Great suggestions for creating the life we want to live!
Thank you for reading!
I love all the great suggestions on how to have a positive attitude. I know that the supplements magnesium and Vitamin D can have a big impact on mental health.
They have a tremendous impact on mental health and general health! Thanks for mentioning that!
Remembering gratitude helps to keep our hearts humble when our temper tries to take over, especially over silly inconsequential circumstances.
I agree. There is always something to be grateful for even if it isn’t what is happening at the moment. Thanks for sharing that.
So many great thought-provoking ideas here. I love practicing gratitude to keep my mindset and attitude towards the positive.
Gratitude is so catching. Thank you for sharing that.
One of my favorite mantras is model good behavior – I can see how the power of thought would play into that.
Thank you. I agree.
I love the saying, “We are what we think.”
That statement is so true! I always know that what I think has to be based on solid truth, not what I personally think!
Our energy will attract like energy. It is so important to think positive.
Any positive thoughts, especially based on a good truth foundation will attract! Thanks so much for bringing up the attraction quality. Thank you!
This is a really well written and thought provoking post!
Thank you for saying that!
I do my best to maintain a positive attitude but sometimes that is a lot easier said than done.
Always a work in progress. At least we are thinking right about it.
I need to take a lot of this to heart – onto better days and success!
I agree, we need that reminder daily!
I always find exercise and fresh air to be my best medicine when I am feeling anxious or down. Sometimes its hard to turn off the negative thoughts, but a hike through the forest makes me feel better EVERY time!
Love it! Exactly what helps me.
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