February 3, 2021, 7:32 pm
My history with Laminine was when I was working with the impressive Dr. Bill Frazier, known for his unique work in helping people heal. I met Dr. Bill before 1993 when my daughter, 7 years old, was having quite a time with rheumatoid arthritis.
Scary time for me, if it had not been for our neighbors introducing us to him, I would not have met Dr. Bill. He won my heart with his warm, non-limiting help for whoever needed it. I almost thought of him as my father, trusted him completely, because he believed in natural healing, using natural whole foods and supplements. He was my go-to man, and I miss him.
He survived a debilitating heart condition that was not operable, he literally went home to die because he did not trust the medical interventions in the 70’s. He had an amazing personal story. His friend was a naturopathic doctor. Even though Bill, who was a sceptic, did not trust medical doctors, he did not trust natural ones either. So, the friend left without convincing him to try natural means, but not before he left him a note outlining what he needed to do to to heal his heart condition.
This is what keeps me blogging – sharing from personal experience what has worked for me. My passion is to document what works. If it works for me, it will probably work for you.
Introducing the Laminine Supplement
Back to my daughter, in 3 days under Dr. Bill’s care, her symptoms were relieved. She ate natural anti-inflammatory foods like blueberries (we had wild huckleberries), strawberries and raw, fresh pineapple. The excitement overcame me as I watched my daughter clap her hands together for the first time in weeks – without pain.
So, when Dr. Bill introduced Laminine, I did not hesitate to try it. Laminine is described as an anti-aging supplement, but it had some very remarkable effects that I had not expected. The biggest effect I saw was in stabilizing my moods, and in helping my digestive system normalize.
Laminine Testimonies
The Laminine company started in 2011, I signed up for being an Independent Business Owner in 2012. I was eager to start turning my family’s health around. I found out that Laminine was beneficial in many health areas.
I had many health issues I was concerned about, and I did not know where to start first. I had always been emotionally challenged, high anxiety. So as a starting marker, I decided to see if it helped my emotional responses.
I became very intrigued with what Laminine could do. Over the years I saw how it helped my mom who had an ongoing Lewy body Dementia disease process, my children who were on the autism spectrum, a patient who was a recent paraplegic from a car accident, friends who were interested in weight loss and the anti-aging effects.
I found it helped me think clearer, I had more energy and less brain fog.
- I used it extensively to control Mom’s emotional outbursts and grieving process.
- My son was able to think clearer and make better decisions.
- It helped balance my daughters emotional and hormonal issues.
- A patient of mine had immediate effects that she noticed within 3 days of taking the product, the sensations in her body were returning after suffering paralysis from a car accident.

Laminine Product Information
The Laminine company started in 2011, and due to Dr. Bills influence, I signed up for being an Independent Business Owner in 2012. I was eager to start turning my family’s health around.
I am a researcher by nature, I love to have facts, so I found out as much as I could about Laminine. So, when I saw that science-based facts were available, I was interested in trying it. The product developed in 1929 by Dr. John R Davidson, Canada. It took 50 years, but another scientist, Dr. Bjoedne Eskeland, Norway, found Dr Davidson’s research and built it up into the Laminine product. *1
Dr. Eskeland, an expert on egg research, found that the product held a vast number of vitamins, minerals and proteins that would be beneficial in healing and growth. The egg holds essential proteins and hormones for benefiting the body defense systems. *1
Laminine’s Health Benefits
I found out that Laminine has many benefits. *1 It:
- Benefits and promotes physical healing and growth at the cellular level
- Improves memory loss and other brain related issues
- Supplies energy
- Regulates hormones
- Promotes skin healing
- Supplies joint and muscle pain relief
- Reduces stress
- Relieves sleep disturbances and
- Balances emotional responses
- Laminine has a consistent on controlling the cortisol level in the body. *2
- Cortisol is responsible for
- how you manage stress,
- how well your body can fight infection,
- keeping blood sugar at a healthy level,
- normalizes your blood pressure
- helping your food provide you nourishment
- giving you energy
- Levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) were reduced between 19.2% and 27.3% in one study, which is significant for reducing stress levels. *1
Laminine’s Challenge
I started out with 2 Laminine capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon. I found that I could experiment with the time intervals to see how it affected my sleep. I was incredibly pleased with the effect it had on my son and my mother especially, and I was impressed with how it changed my body shape. People would comment that I looked like I had been exercising, my muscles became firmer.
I found that when I was not consistent in taking it, (I was busy giving the product away and wanted to see how it helped others), my emotions were very unbalanced. Recently I decided to take it consistently again.
The recommended dose is two in the morning on an empty stomach, (and not with medications), and two in the afternoon for the first 2 weeks. This schedule would give you the best and fastest noticeable effects. Then I found I could just take two capsules in the morning. It is documented though that even taking 2 a day will give you the benefit of to the same level, as seen in the research test on Cortisone levels. *2
Laminine has been the most fun product I have taken, and most consistent. I have been working on ways to reduce stress in my life. Plan on a very pleasant experience when starting. Count on seeing long range effects. I have never been disappointed in the Laminine product in the 9 years I have been using it. It is the most complete product I have seen, and its documented effects are well known.
*1 Facts from the current PDF: Laminine | FULL Prescribing Information | PDR.net
*2 Definition about cortisone from Medline Plus https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/cortisol-test/
If you want to evaluate out Laminine or if you would like to expand and become a Laminine independent business owner, leave a comment. I can walk you through the steps.
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