Laundry Day is a Wash: Make Memories

When I say, ‘Laundry is a Wash,’ I mean I do not like it and it seems to be a waste. But I have learned that Laundry Day means great memories … many times.

Today’s Story

Take this morning. I really was exhausted. I was thinking about my upcoming workday and dreading it because I had little energy. I was very stressed about getting my blog work done, and I had decided to have a quiet morning time to regroup. I took a nap and that refreshed me. But I got a late start. That always puts me in a poor mood!

So, I took Susie, my son’s Pyrenees, for a walk and finished packing the car for the day. I am so looking forward to our own laundry room. It seems I have been going to laundromats all my life. It was so nice from 1986 to 2000 to have my own home laundry. 

Lesson 1: Make my Day Fun

I set out still feeling bum but stopped by my favorite espresso drive through to get my ‘never fail pick me up’. As I thought, after I leisurely downed it, I felt more like myself and in better control. Now, I should have taken my son up on having company, I thought, now that I can BE company. 

Lesson 2: Do not Stress About Things

I forgot all my quarters and could not, for the life of me, find the dryer sheets at home. So, I went to my favorite grocery store and tried to buy some dryer sheets and get money for the washing machines. Easy enough, I was still early enough. Wrong! I had just received a new debit card (for all the wrong reasons) and I made a new PIN number. Ok, that was a mistake. I could not remember my new pin number. Well, I could use my other card to buy the dryer sheets. But that would not give me the quarters I needed. My calmness was getting ruffled.

So, I went out to the car to call the bank to get my PIN number. I waited a good 10 minutes maybe it was more. I was working on my blogging course, so my time was not wasted. Finally, the bank teller answered and gave me a simple 2 second answer. I love my bank but how was I to know I had to call another number to get my pin set up! 🙄

So that call went rather quickly, and I returned to the store and bought a snack of watermelon so I could get my change. I gave up asking for rolls of quarters in some stores because of the look I get. It was the same clerk and she remembered me. How can you forget some annoying customer who could not remember her pin and held up the line? I might add old too, but I’m not looking it yet. She was very nice they all are here. I explained what I did, and she waited with me for my pin to pass. Whew!  I was out the door. I think she breathed a sigh too.

Lesson 3 – Awareness of My Surroundings

The laundry mat is usually crowded but I arrived between the shifts. Did you know there are shifts at the laundry mat?

  • I call some – the early birds.
  • Then there are the stragglers.
  • Then there are the odd assortment night owls.
  • I have been all at one time.
  • But it bothers me to be alone at night. So, I do not do the night shift much.
  • Then there are the streamlined in-and-out-of-my-way customers.
    • I remember one time a lady must have had 6 months of family laundry to do. She had a system. But I did get in her way. She actually took my clothes from the side of the laundry machine and dumped them on the chair!  I must admit. I did not realize until that moment how much I detest someone touching my clothes. 

Lesson 4 – Be Helpful to Those Around

(Or – Teach Someone How to Do Laundry)

I’ll never forget the gentleman who came to the laundry mat for the first time that day. 

I overheard him bragging that he could do this even though he had never done it before. “It is really easy” he told the friend with him. But when it came to picking out the laundry soap, he just was not quite sure. 

Now what is the difference between these two? He asked me. I guess I looked like I knew what I was doing. One is for washing and the other is for getting my clothes whiter. Right? Yes, I replied slowly. So, I want to use this one because I want my clothes clean and white. Well, I responded because he was waiting for my reply, You could. That one would make your clothes whiter. But if you want them clean, I will use that other one. It is the detergent. 

I was thankful that what I said did not deflate his enthusiasm. I was really trying to be tactful. He smiled and thanked me. He was happy he knew how to get his laundry done and understood why he needed to use the detergent. I was glad I could help make his experience nicer.

Picture of Laundry Machine

A Story from the Past…

Let Your Children Make Memories

Laughter Returned to an Old Man

I remember the time at another laundromat, that my 10-month son made an old man very happy. At that time, I was very wary of strangers. But my son paid that no mind. He was tired and he wanted to sit in someone’s lap. Since I was busy doing laundry, he knew I was not available. I loved that he was not afraid of people.

My son was at the crawling stage. He loved people and would light up whenever he saw someone. I remember him looking up at me. He had the look. I am not going to get anything from mom. He could tell I was busy putting laundry in the washers. So, he looked back and forth from this older gentleman to me. Then I saw to my fearful anticipation that he determinedly crawled as fast as he could to the gentleman in the corner. 

This is where I could have used my motherly protection in a wiser way. I am ashamed of my fearfulness. I knew this was a safe situation and had at least some sense to not make a big deal of it. Besides, I was getting a kick of the fun my son was having. This disheveled gentleman looked like he had a rough life. He was looking very old for his age, I believe. He looked about 70 and agile. Boy, was he looking downcast. I wondered if he was an alcoholic. He looked like he could harm no one and he was sober. So, my friendly, open-hearted son of just under a year wanted some attention from this gentleman and felt this was the best way to get it. 

My son was the cutest little thing you ever laid eyes on. And normally he would have hesitated a little. But not this time.

The downcast eyes of the gentleman in the corner saw some movement coming toward him on the floor. He looked in disbelief as this young baby sat in front of him and lifted his hands toward him clearly wanting to be picked up. The joy and laughter returned to his face, and he looked years younger instantly. He laughed in disbelief as he reached down and picked up my son. They both looked so happy!  They looked like they had just found each other!  

My young son just showed me what character he was made of and the purpose he was made for. I will always cherish that memory. I just wish I had my iPhone with me, and I would have asked him if I could take his picture with my son. But this was in 1985. I do regret not having a picture of that! 

About Deb

Mother of 3, grandmother of 2. Employed as an RN. Keeping in touch with her children is most important. She loves sharing stories of being an overcomer and echos her Father's belief as a Marine, 'Failure Is Not An Option'. Her experiences in life are shared on her blog.

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