Outstanding Tips for Monetizing Your Blog

Tip #1 Have Serious Fun

Peaceful woods
Find a relaxing place

At this season of my life, I am so in to having fun and relaxing. Seriously, there is a time to be at your best and on top of your game. But then, there will be the time that you sit back and enjoy life. Hopefully, you have been able to do some of that enjoying along the way, but in case you have not and are too much like I was, take some time to be happy doing what you want to do.

Tip # 2 Enjoy Helping Others

Reaching Hands to Help

I enjoy helping others heal and get healthy, not as a practitioner, but as an RN with a bachelor’s degree in science. I love having a degree, but all that means is that I got the best of both worlds, technical training and a good dose of philosophical reasoning behind the practices. Philosophy was my thing, and I am proud that I was able to get that education. Now I want to use that training and experience to help people promote their passions.

Hey, what better way to enjoy life than doing what you are wired to do and getting paid for it? I hear so much about how unfair employee relations are. But while I was employed, I learned that they have to keep their business active and if I am going to work for them, then I need to promote their cause. So, in a sense I fell into this mindset of promoting causes from my experience in the employment world. I have always been on the working end and not the supervising end of being employed, so I developed a unique view of promoting others.

Find out what you are wired to do and then achieve that goal.

Tip # 3 Learn Blogging Success

5-Day Blogging Business Crash Course
Free crash course in starting a blogging business.
  • Take courses from an experienced expert. See Starting a Blogging Business.
  • Get into groups that have your same interests.
  • Make a detailed plan and adjust and change it as you need to.

Tip #4 Integrate Skills into Your Blogging Business

Planning Calendar

That is not always easy to do, but here’s some suggestions:

  • Discover what your skills are.
  • Decide where your life is headed.
  • Learn to implement what you could change about your past to make your life better today.
  • Get good at seeing what people need and how you can help them in those areas.
  • Make a list mentally or visually of your interests and how you could pursue them.
  • Make your business other-centered to keep your business alive and interesting and necessary for a long time.
  • Take a good look at why you want to tell others your story, and at how creative you can be.

Tip #5 Be Your Best Boss

People are passionate about so many different things. When they do have the same interests, they will have their own perspective. I like that. I can have the same goal as another health care worker, but we will accomplish that goal in vastly different ways.

Tip # 6 Assess Your Weakness and Your Strengths

granddaughter jumping
Maximize your strengths

The first year I concentrated on getting my blog set up. There is a fine balance between getting a blog set up right and getting the business started.

I needed to give myself a little more time to get things done because of internet problems and poor signal issues and learning new skills like business, social media, how to work a website and well, much more, (maybe all of it). Learn how to use your skills to your advantage.

So, learning these skills kept me working almost day and night on it between family and work schedules. I enjoyed it but wished I could learn faster. That is where this course came in, I could review it anytime I needed, and I could ask a real live person any question I needed to ask.

The work went slow because I did the work myself. Now that I have learned most of it, I can think about hiring people to do all the new skills I just learned.

I went way too slow out of newbie mistakes, and life got in the way, which turned out well, I just used it as more material to blog about.

Tip # 7 Take Time to Understand and Ask for Help Often.

Online Blogging Course

Take your time to understand what you are doing, do the activities and complete them as they are assigned. It may take me 2 days to do a day’s work. The first time is rough but know that you can always change your speed anytime. It is not best to go faster than you feel you can, but do not stop.

I froze for a while because I got overwhelmed and did not think I could do it, then I would remember to ask for support and either read what others in the support group say or ask a question myself. I always take responsibility for my decisions. It is not someone else who will evaluate, change and write my blog, it is me.

That is a confidence builder, not a sign of failure. I cannot judge or compare other blogs. I cannot copy another person’s work, but I can use their work as an inspiration. Wow! I’m feeling energized already! Working a blog can be successful.

I have a good personal support critique, not part of the group, who motivates me to continue working on a blogging project and not give up. I keep reviewing the courses and lessons and research what I need to know. That is what I need the support group and why I need lessons that I can review anytime I want. Wow! I am getting motivated to work on it already!

Tip #8 Learn New Skills from the Sites You Use.

Researching on a Laptop

The best way for me to learn new skills is to go to the new site, image designs, blog host, Email services, social media and learn directly from them, knowing I would also get support from my course and the members of the group.

Oh My, I am really gearing up into a total, unbelievable adventure. I had been working all day on my blog planning, very tired. Just about to go take a short nap and found the information about the course on travel blog that – well – I am wide awake now. This is amazing information that they put out. The price I think is a little higher than when I first heard about it, but earlier I did not see a need for taking it.

Traveling I do, in bits and pieces but I never thought of it as something I could blog about. Wow, I am really glad that I found this, and I hope to be taking it soon. I have always wanted to travel, but my travel is not to other countries. It is local at this time. It stretches when I want to go visit my daughter in faraway states. I could use it to do a short traveler RN experience. I would LOVE that. See, all new kinds of ideas brainstorming in when I think of the possibilities of getting another adventure.

Tip # 9 Find Your Blog Topics Anywhere

How We Live Makes us Real
Use real life topics to blog about

Review my Post on Not Failing in Blogging where I show you it is impossible to fail in blogging.

Follow my other posts about courses I have taken as I take them.

About Deb

Mother of 3, grandmother of 2. Employed as an RN. Keeping in touch with her children is most important. She loves sharing stories of being an overcomer and echos her Father's belief as a Marine, 'Failure Is Not An Option'. Her experiences in life are shared on her blog.

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